Religious Education (RE)

This half term’s Gospel value is Truth

This half term, Year 6 will study the events of Pentecost, before moving onto a topic surrounding Reconciliation.

In Pentecost we will explore how the Holy Spirit guides us to be witness to God’s love throughout the world and reflect on our actions and attitudes, and how they represent us as God’s witness. We will look at the first witnesses, Jesus’ disciples, and what their mission was at the beginning of our church. Using art, scripture and research we will gain a greater understanding of what it means to be God’s witness on earth.

In Reconciliation we will explore how in Jesus Christ, the world has been reconciled to God.  Through and in Christ, every human being is offered the power to reach out in forgiveness and peace, to receive and to offer reconciliation. We will learn how, through the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, people are offered reconciliation even in their final moments, or when they are too ill to ask for themselves.

For the key vocabulary, scripture and key questions for each topic, please look at the attached files.

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St Sebastian's RC Primary School

Douglas Green (off Norfolk Street), Salford M6 6ET
what3words: /// call.logic.swing
0161 921 1625
[email protected]


Caroline Doyle | Headteacher

Jannine Platt | Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Helen Cooper | School Business Manager

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Year 6