New to Early Years

New Nursery and Reception Parent Information 2023-24

We are delighted that you and your child are joining St Sebastian’s R.C. Primary School.  

We hope that the information on this page will answer many of the questions that you have about your child starting school with us.


Prior to joining our Reception or Nursery calls, we talk with parents/carers directly to find out about your child's preferences; things they particularly enjoy, find difficult etc. These conversations usually take place within the context of a stay and play visit to school prior to your child starting. We also talk with pre-school and nursery settings  to find out where your child is in their learning and to find out about their social and communication skills. 

The links below have some useful resources to support with transition.
Starting Primary School - The BBC have put together some articles, videos and resources to support paresnts/carers and children before starting primary school.

Breakfast Club 

Our breakfast club runs from 8.00 each day and the children have a healthy breakfast and then choose from various activities on offer.

The cost is £1.00 per day per child. Please ask at the school office if you would like your child to attend.


The Early Years is all about children learning through play. Tyhe children spend most of their day in school accessing the continuous provision and following their own interests both indoors and outdoors. The areas within the classroom will be set up by adults who have taken into account the children's interests and next steps. The children will access these areas with support and guidance from teaching staff.

During the day, the children will take part in some short adult led activities focused around Communication and Language, Phonics and Maths. Although adult-led, these will be fun and engaging sessions, planned with the children's interests and needs in mind.

There are ample opportunities throughout the year for outdoor play, as we believe this is vital for children's development.

Sharing your child's learning with you

At St Sebastian’s we use an online learning journal called Tapestry to record the children's learning in Reception and Nursery.

You will be given a username and password to access your child's journal once they start with us. This will allow you to see any photos and videos that have been taken of your child at school and read any observations that the EYFS team have made of them. 

You will also be invited to add to your child's journal as the year progresses.

The video below provides further information about setting up your account.


St Sebastian's RC Primary School

Douglas Green (off Norfolk Street), Salford M6 6ET
what3words: /// call.logic.swing
0161 921 1625
[email protected]


Caroline Doyle | Headteacher

Jannine Platt | Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Helen Cooper | School Business Manager

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