During our Think Equal work in Reception this week, we read the book Exploring Sensations. This gave us the opportunity to discuss different sensations and how things like colour, sounds and objects can me us feel on the inside.

Following on from our safe guarding work yesterday, Reception have spoken about who we can talk to in school if we have a worry.

As part of our work on safeguarding this week, Reception are thinking about how someone can hurt you. Tomorrow, we will discuss what you should do if you are hurt.

This morning, Reception completed some work on keeping ourselves safe and remembering that our bodies are our own. The children designed some interesting pants and had a great discussion about being respectful and safe.

This week in Reception, we have been reading the story of The Little Red Hen. The moral of the story is always work hard and help your friends! So this is what we have been doing in class. We have realised that by working hard and helping our friends everyone succeeds.
It's #oddsocksday to start #antibullyingawarenessweek.
At 11am on 11th November, we will be remembering those who died during the First and Second World Wars, and subsequent conflicts. This week in Reception we have been discussing conflict and thinking about those people who serve our country today and have served our country previously.
As part our our discussion, we looked at the poppy. The red poppy symbolises remembrance, hope for a peaceful future and commemorates the soldiers who fought and died in war. Poppies were chosen as a symbol because they often grew in the battlefields after the soldiers stopped fighting.
Reception have completed lots of activities this week based on the poppy and Remembrance Day.