As part of Reception's Rapid Recall this week we have been looking at different arrangements of dot patterns and saying what we can see.
Reception have been exploring mass in our maths sessions. We have been using the vocabulary mass, heavier, lighter, balance and equal. To also help us with our maths talk we have used the stem sentences The _____ is heavier than the _____. The _____is lighter than the _____.
Today in Reception, we used the 5 frame to find one more than the number. The children worked in pairs to take it in turns to set the task and ask the questions using the stem sentences provided.
There are ______.
There are ______ altogether.
______ is 1 more than _______.
1 more than _______ is ______.

Today in Reception, the children were given 4 counters and had to arrange them in different ways using a 5 frame. The children then had to verbalise their arrangement to their partner.

Thank you so much to all the parents who attended our maths morning in Reception. The children loved showing you all they know.

Reception enjoyed exploring the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in our maths session today. We played 3 or not 3.