

Autumn 1


What details can we see when we look at 3D forms?

Year 3 enjoyed analysing Henry Moore's work. They carefully tried to pick out the details he uses in his drawings and tried recreating this in their own.

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These are baaaaaautiful!

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How can I use line to show 3D form?

The children experimented with line seeing what effects can be created with curved and stright lines. Which one would be best for a 3D effect?

Then they explored shading and how casting a shadow can give the illusion of the circle being a sphere.

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How was the first art created?

Taking inspiration from the Lascaux Cave paintings, the children created art in this style using tools they thought would have been avaliable in the Stone Age.

Can you guess what tools the children used to produce thier cave art?

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The children thought about the tools that would have been used in the Stone Age, so instead of painbrushes and paint the children got creative with thier hands, chalk, charcole and sticks.

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How can I tell a story to reflect life today?

The children took modern day living and used their new cave art skills to tell a story about how they live today and what the world is like now, like a cave art time capsule!

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Spring 1


This term Year 3 looked at Russian abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky and anlaysed his work closely to see what inspired him to create such amazing pieces of work.


The Children enjoyed researching Kandinsky and finding out how he created his work. They created colourful mind maps to present their findings.




How did Kandinsky create composition?

The children carried out a visual analysis of Kandinsky's painting Composition 8.

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Composition 8

8th July 1923, Oil on canvas 







Then the children tried to recreate Composition 2 using the skills they had researched earlier.



How did Kandinsky link music with colour?


Did you know that Richard Wager was Kandisky's favourite classical composer? 

He would listen to Wager to create his works of art, you might be familiar with some of his work too!


Take a listen and see if you know this song!

Using a colour grid, we corresponded colours with different instruments using a orcestra layout to help and listening to the instruments play individually and apart of the orchestra.



Then the children experimented with the colours to create different moods and situations that would link with the instuments. Some created sad compositions and some created joyful. Some children mixed colours other went for solid blocks.





How did Kandinsky link music with Shape?

Year 3 enoyed listening to Wagner, Kandinsky's favourite composer, to conduct a shape and line analysis on another piece of his art. They made their art look like sheet music.




How did he arrange shapes on the page to create balance and harmony?

Year 3 conducted a balance analysis of colour and shape to see how they can place their shapes to create a harmonious painting.






How can I create balance using shape and colour?

Year 3 enjoyed looking and instruments. This helped them get the basic shape so they could adapt it to become abstract.

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The children used musical instrument stencils to help them create the shapes they wanted. They then took that idea and created abstract instruments adding shape and colour to their picture after.

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Does my design represent a musical performance?

Year 3 took the time to analyse their work just like they did with Kandinsky's. They  gave their piece a name just like Kandinsky and asked themselves questions to get a good self evaluation.













St Sebastian's RC Primary School

Douglas Green (off Norfolk Street), Salford M6 6ET
what3words: /// call.logic.swing
0161 921 1625
[email protected]


Caroline Doyle | Headteacher

Jannine Platt | Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Helen Cooper | School Business Manager

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are the
winners this week!

Year 6